Template:Vehicle Template

From Knights of the Dinner Table

Empty Syntax (Standard Options)

{{Vehicle Template
| Image                   = 
| OfficialName            = 
| Title                   = 
| Nicknames               = 
| Universe                = 
| Status                  = 
| CurrentModel            = 
| CurrentOwner            = 
| TransportMethod         = 
| Dimensions              = 
| Creators                = 
| Origin                  = 
| First                   = 

| HistoryText             = 

| Notes                   = 
| Trivia                  = 
| Links                   = 


Always Present Fields

| Image                   = IMAGE FILENAME
| Universe                = EARTH-DESIGNATION OF VEHICLE
| Nicknames               = Nicknames
| Status                  = STATUS OF VEHICLE
| Creators                = CREATORS OF VEHICLE (Separated by ;'s)
| First                   = FIRST PUBLICATION

| History                 = VEHICLE'S HISTORY/USES

| Notes                   = NOTES
| Trivia                  = TRIVIA
| Links                   = LINKS AND REFERENCES

Optional Fields

| CustomLabel             = CUSTOM LABEL IN INFOBOX
| Custom                  = CUSTOM TEXT

| PreviousModels          = PAST MODELS OF VEHICLE
| PreviousOwners          = PAST OWNERS OF VEHICLE

| Last                    = LAST PUBLICATION

| Overview                = OVERVIEW

| Capabilities            = CAPABILITIES OF VEHICLE
| Weapons                 = ONBOARD WEAPONRY
| Equipment               = ONBOARD EQUIPMENT

| CustomSection1          = CUSTOM SECTION HEADER
| CustomText1             = CUSTOM SECTION TEXT
| CustomSection2          = CUSTOM SECTION HEADER
| CustomText2             = CUSTOM SECTION TEXT

Manual Overrides

| ImageSize               = DEFAULT : 200
| ImageText               = DEFAULT : PAGENAME
| Gallery                 = DEFAULT : PAGENAME/GALLERY

| HistoryHeader           = DEFAULT : History
| NotesHeader             = DEFAULT : Notes
| TriviaHeader            = DEFAULT : Trivia
| SeeAlsoHeader           = DEFAULT : See Also
| LinksHeader             = DEFAULT : Links and References


| Image                   = (images of vehicle) - need for gallery?!?!
| Nicknames               = poss needs allow categorizing
| Status                  = (Active or Destroyed)
| CurrentModel            = If it contains 'unique' or 'Unique' the page will be categorized in 'Unique Vehicles'

| First                   = If only used, then "Category:Active Vehicles"
| Last                    = If used, then "Category:Destroyed Vehicles"

| History                 = If blank, then "Category:Copy Edit"