Colonel Prowler
From Knights of the Dinner Table
Colonel Prowler[edit | edit source]
Colonel Prowler (also known as "Full Bird") is B.A. Felton's cat. Prowler's ferocity and propensity to attack without warning has earned him a great deal of fear and respect from those around him. Anyone who visits the Felton household is wise to heed the advice, "Best to give him (Prowler) a wide berth."
It is rumored that Prowler was once a loveable, even affectionate pet but after siring hundreds of litters in the neighborhood, B.A. was court-ordered to have him neutered. It is this event which is believed to have caused Prowler's sudden change of temperament. The fifty-pound cat has been blamed for the strange disappearances of several neighborhood dogs (including a Great Dane named Mouther) but no direct proof has ever been presented to support this.
He has a fondness for dice, metal figures, and many other items which, once claimed as his own, are tucked away in his bedding in the corner of the laundry room. It is believed hundreds of 'lost' dice are among his hoard.----
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