Earl Julius Slackmozer
From Knights of the Dinner Table
Earl Slackmozer[edit | edit source]
Earl Julius Slackmozer is regarded as a kind of 'local celebrity.' Besides running Tournament level HackMaster events at GaryCon and various local HackCons, he freelanced for Hard Eight Enterprises for several years with four published adventures under his belt (including the highly acclaimed Module G-7: Gnome Uprising). He moved to Muncie, Indiana after transferring to Ball State from Saginaw Tech. He immediately started a gaming group (Slacker's Hackers) and began recruiting players (who were required to take his HackMaster Basic Knowledge and Experience test.) He and B.A. Felton butted heads several times but it appears they have learned to tolerate each other. There is now a begrudging respect between them.
His home-brewed live-action SlamMaster Professional Wrestling event, "Royal House Rumble" (Held annually by invitation only) continues to grow in popularity. Earl is currently writing up the rules and seeking a publisher.----
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