Logan Foremax
From Knights of the Dinner Table
Logan Foremax[edit | edit source]
Logan is one of the 'old guard' GameMasters of the Muncie area. His group, "Logan's Heroes" have won more Regional HackMaster Tournaments than any other group. Logan learned to 'sling-dice' under the watchful eye of Brian van Hoose back when he was still GMing. Eventually Brian tired of Logan's pretentious attitude - the last straw being his adoption of a haughty faux-british accent - and booted him out. Since no one stepped up to adopt him into their group, he was forced to begin his own. His style is best described as harsh and meticulous, brooking no dissent from 'rules lawyers' (having been trained by the best in the business, he knows all the tricks of the trade.) His players have become formidable gaming machines under his "no crap" regime. It's worth mentioning that Logan is widely despised.----
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