Pappy Felton
From Knights of the Dinner Table
Pappy Felton[edit | edit source]
Pappy Felton is B.A.'s 83- year-old grandfather. He served proudly as a 'Fighting Sea Bee' during World War II. His unit was involved with building airstrips, following the Marines as they island-hopped across the South Pacific.
No one knows the full story, but apparently Pappy was left behind on Tulagi when the Japanese re-occupied the island for a short period. Alone for weeks, he eluded his would-be captors. Later, after being rescued, he was sent back to the 'States a hero.
After the war Pappy started a chain of dry-cleaning businesses in Muncie which he turned over to his son upon retirement. Pappy now lives in Kissimee Florida but returns home frequently to visit his kids and grandchildren. It's said he packs a 'mean' right punch.
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