"Waco" Bob Forsey
From Knights of the Dinner Table
(Redirected from Waco Bob)
Waco Bob[edit | edit source]
"Waco" Bob Forsey is one of the original shareholders of Hard 8. He really doesn't do much at the company other than agree with virtually every word that comes out of Gary's mouth. Waco has done well, financially, working with Gary and that seems to be enough to have earned his undying devotion. Waco does sit in on every playtesting session he can. But since he seems to love every game he plays, regardless of its flaws, his value as a playtester leaves a lot to be desired. He invariably fills out his playtester evaluation forms with, "This game is the next HackMaster!!"
This page uses content from Wikipedia. The original article was at "Waco" Bob Forsey. The list of authors can be seen in the page history. As with Knights of the Dinner Table, the text of Wikipedia is available under the GNU Free Documentation License. |